Airport noise measurements
Possible noise sources per sector:
- civil aviation
- military aviation
- non-specialized aviation
- other
As cities modernize and grow, the distances between residential areas and airports are continually decreasing. The level of noise emitted at and around airports follows the increase in aircraft engines' power and the number of flights. Aircraft are the primary sources of airport noise pollution. The number of noise sources and the sound's intensity depend on the type of aircraft and the type of engine. When the aircraft is taking off, the most significant proportion of the noise is produced by its engine. When the aircraft is landing, it's the hull which is noisier. The combustion chamber and the turbine are the main contributors to engine noise. Compared to other vehicles, aircraft emit noise at a high level of sound pressure and a large propagation radius. The human ear perceives it as the most irritating sound. The aircraft generates noise with an intensity of as much as 140 dB(A). This is the limit beyond which a person can lose the hearing.

According to LST ISO 1996-1: 2017, LST ISO 1996-2: 2017 and LST EN ISO/IEC 17025
- we do an analysis of aircraft flows by categories
- make the measurements
- evaluate the measurement errors (uncertainty)
- we select and present measurement results and errors (uncertainty)
- provide the statements of compliance
- provide the interpretations and opinions
We measure:
- equivalent sound pressure levelLAeqT
- residual sound pressure level LAresid
- adjusted (recalculated) equivalent sound pressure levelLAeqTcorr
- maximum sound pressure level LAFmax